Get your name in Kanji (hard copy delivered to you)

SKU: 201122 Category:


Get your name, handwritten in beautiful Kanji. We send anywhere in the world, shipping is included in the price.

The process

  1. Click the add to cart button and complete the order process
  2. Within 48 hours Noriko will email you with the Kanji she will use to write your name. You can ask for a revision if you prefer different ones.
  3. After confirmation, Noriko will hand-write your name beautifully on high quality paper and send it to you

* Because of international shipping rates, orders will arrive in 2-3 weeks.

** Your name in Latin letters will be written beside your name in Kanji. If you prefer not to have your name in Latin letters, please contact us.

*** Return policy: once the order is shipped, it is non-refundable.

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